做工的人 Workers
  • 類型


  • 導演


  • 監製


  • 演員


  • Film Genres

    Social realism

  • Directer

    Fen Fen Cheng

  • Producer

    Jayde Lin

  • Starring

    Christopher Lee, Alex Ko, Yu An-Shun,Miao Ke-li, Peggy Tseng, Summer Meng, Queenie Fang, Tseng Jing-Hua


劇情描述鐵工阿祈(李銘順 飾)、板模工阿昌(游安順 飾)和怪手阿全(薛仕凌 飾),幾個懷抱發財夢的好友,在工地裡搬演一場又一場荒謬搞笑的發財戲碼,被笑稱「噗嚨共三人組」。這些古怪夢想述說著這群人面對的各種困境。他們發夢、夢破、滿腔熱血再來一個.....以噗嚨共精神在塵土中不敗向前。

The story describes the ironwork brothers Qi and Qin, mould contractor Mr. Chang and a digger operator Quan, they are a group of friends who daydream about being wealthy, they resort to countless outrageous get-rich-quick schemes on the construction site.

Their bizarre dreams and get-rich-quick schemes narrate the three wealth dreamers who face with various difficulties. They dare to dream, once the dreams were broken one by one, they dream again. These trio workers continue to be optimistic. Nothing will stop them from their pursuit of becoming rich beyond their wildest dreams!

The trio of happy-go-lucky workers have different kinds of life’s problems, they try to live in their own way, but no matter how optimistic they are, if their expectations act contrary to their wishes, how can they continue to dream.

第 56 屆金鐘獎 | 獲獎 4 項
2020 亞洲影藝創意大獎 | 獲獎 1 項

56th Annual Golden Bell Awards | won 4 big awards
2020 Asian Academy Creative Award | won 1 awards