第 58 屆金鐘獎





第 56 屆金鐘獎





第 54 屆金鐘獎





大慕影藝國際事業股份有限公司(DaMou Entertainment Co. Ltd)成立於2013年7月,專注於電影、電視劇專案開發與投資製作,及藝人經紀的發展。

憑藉精準的市場眼光,歷年的投資製作作品皆有極佳評價,包含台灣票房破億電影《紅衣小女孩系列 The Tag-Along》、Netflix播出後在24國強勢進榜的電影《女鬼橋 The Bridge Curse》,及電視劇《麻醉風暴2 Wake Up》,新導演短片《愛在世界末日 Love after Time》,作品不但屢創票房佳績,亦入圍金馬及世界各地影展多項大獎,叫好叫座。

2018年首度跨足製作,《我們與惡的距離 The World Between Us》於2019年3月播出後在市場掀起巨量口碑,於第54屆金鐘獎14項入圍六項獲獎紀錄,被譽為「台劇新高標」。

2020年第二部自製作品《做工的人 Workers》是第一部以全劇超過90%台語發音登上國際平台HBO的台灣影集,成為HBO該年度影集收視冠軍,56屆金鐘獎亦斬獲最佳迷你劇集等四項大獎。

2023年挑戰院線推出首部長片《做工的人 電影版 Workers The Movie》為該年度上半年國片票房第二名,同年推出政治幕僚職人劇《人選之人-造浪者 Wave makers》於全球NETFLIX同步上線,開播後連續十天霸榜Netflix台灣每日排行榜冠軍,並寫下連續兩週週榜第一成績,深入人心的故事廣受各界好評,更帶起台灣#MeToo浪潮及社會議題討論,獲權威級國際級媒體CNN、BBC、紐約時報、華盛頓郵報、洛杉磯時報、經濟學人等外媒爭相報導。於第58屆金鐘獎獲14項提名、最佳迷你劇集等4項大獎。

接下來大慕將推出《我們與惡的距離Ⅱ The World Between UsⅡ 》以及改編自韓國超人氣IP《梨泰院Class》的《來!金來號!Fired Up! 》,持續拓展及開發台灣作品,站向國際舞台。



DaMou Entertainment Co. Ltd was established in July 2013, specializing in film and TV series project development and investment of production, as well as the celebrity agency.

With a precise market vision, all of the investment and production works over the years have received excellent reviews, including the movie series "The Tag-Along", which reached NT$100 million box office in Taiwan, the movie “The Bridge Curse” made it into the top chart in 24 countries after aired on Netflix, the TV series " Wake Up 2" and the short movie "Love after Time" all had excellent box office performance and received nomination at Golden Horse Award as well as other international awards.

The very first TV series production by DaMou “The World Between Us” started in 2018, when the series aired in 2019 was praised by the media, it brought the audience and people from various fields to explore the issues in the drama, it received 14 nominations and won 6 major awards at 54th Annual Golden Bell Awards and set a new high standard in Taiwanese TV series.

In 2020, “Workers”, the second self-produced project, was the first Taiwanese TV series with over 90% Taiwanese pronunciation aired on HBO international channel, and became the best HBO series of the year. It also won 4 major awards at Best Miniseries or Television Film of 56th Annual Golden Bell Awards.

In 2023, DaMou released the first feature-length film “ Workers The Movie” to hit the big screen, which ranked second in the domestic box office for the first half of the year. In the same year, DaMou released a political drama called "Wave Makers" on NETFLIX worldwide, which dominated the daily rankings on Netflix Taiwan for ten consecutive days and achieved first place on the weekly charts for two weeks in a row. This captivating story has received critical acclaim and ignited discussions on Taiwan's #MeToo movement and social issues. It has been extensively covered by prestigious international media such as CNN, BBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Economist and so on. It also received 14 nominations and won 4 major awards at Best Miniseries of 58th Annual Golden Bell Awards.

Damou will launch “The World Between UsⅡ” and “Fired Up!” Which is adapted from a Korea super IP “Itaewon Class”. Damou will keep focusing on developing Taiwan contents and reach out to the world.

In order to keep nurturing creators and actors of new generation in Taiwan, DaMou turns to invest IP development companies, “Monomyth” and “KOKO Entertainment” and two talent agencies "Between Us Entertainment” and “ DaHsi Entertainment”. The talents include Jesse Tang, Summer Meng, Simon Hsueh, Ben Wu, Tracy Chou, Kenny Yen, Shawn Hu, etc.

Service Item: Television and Film Investment, Production and Distribution, Arts and Literature Service, Performing Art Activities, Publishing and General Advertising Services, Intellectual Property Rights, etc.